Sunday, January 26, 2025

Who knew????

Who knew???? Had come across a video on YouTube by NB Cards and she was making a project with die cuts and these die cuts had fine lines and she showed her tip to add glue to these finer die cut pieces for her project. Usually when I use finer die cuts I will use the Artist-Tac sheets to add adhesive to the die cut pieces but I was working on a Valentine's Day project and I used a die for "Happy Valentine's Day" with lots of detail and lots of thin lines. . . did not think the Artist-Tac had enough space to adhere well so was not sure how I would add adhesive to the word die pieces until I saw her video. 

She used a silicone brush to add glue to her die cuts --- so here is my new silicone brush:

As she showed in her video I used scissors and cut off the long bristles:

Using a craft mat I squeezed out some TomBow glue and now I could add this glue easily to the finer die cut piece I needed for my project:

Tapped the silicone brush into the glue and then tapped it over the back side of the die cut I needed glue on. I put the die cut on my project and it works great! Rinsed off the silicone brush under warm water and the glue comes right off. Simple idea but certainly will be a time saver for future projects. She has a lot of great videos on her channel with lots of tips and inspiration. Happy I came across her video on adding glue to die cuts and thanks to her for sharing this great idea!


Anonymous said...

Great idea! Thanks for sharing.

Bonnie said...

What a great tip! Thanks for sharing this, Candee!