Saturday, March 1, 2025

Glittered Scrap Butterfly Embellishments

Trying to work on projects I have wanted to do for a long time but never got to - happy I did make the altered clipboards so for each season/holiday I can keep a list of things I want to make or info on where I saw them at etc and keep this notebook on the clipboards. The butterflies I made today I had seen made by "HappyBird'sGlitterNest" on Youtube and I was happy I would be able to use scraps and supplies I had on hand.... only thing I did not have was the EK Success Butterfly punch she had used in her video. When I saw her show this punch I decided to shop for it on Ebay and at that time I found a new punch still in the box so I bought that for this project. Here is a photo of that punch: 

 Here are my almost finished Glittered Scrap Butterfly Embellishments:

I have the bails to put on the bottom of the butterflies to hold a charm/gem but I am not sure what projects I will be adding these to yet so I will wait on adding the bails and charms. The how-to video for these glittered butterflies is easy to follow and she covers each step. I started with a solid piece of coloured card stock scrap and punched out two of the butterflies. Then I punched out two butterflies from scrap white card stock for the backs of the butterflies:

In the above photo you see the upper left set of butterfly front and back piece I cut off the antenna and the body piece at the bottom. On the lower right butterflies I left them as the punch punches them out. I used Beacon 3 in 1 glue and put the purple butterflies onto the white butterfly bases. With that done on all the butterflies I used a gold paint pen and a silver metallic marker for the antenna and the body pieces:

With the layers dried I added the gold and the silver to the butterflies. Did not take long for those to dry and I put the butterfly with the antenna on the work table. Folded the top butterfly that I had cut the antenna/body off of in half and that half crease mark I put some of the Beacon glue on that fold and put that on the bottom butterfly piece. Used reverse tweezers to hold those together while drying:

The Beacon glue does not take long to dry. For each of the butterflies I used crystals/gems from the stash and put those in the middle of the butterflies on the fold of the wings. Used the Beacon glue to adhere those. Once they were dried I pulled out three types of glitter from the stash - a fine glitter, a thicker one, and a larger one with holographic pieces in it. Put these all in a small jar with lid and shook that up so the glitters would mix together. Using a small craft paint brush and a scrap container with a small amount of the Deco Triple Thick I brushed the Triple Thick onto the front of the bottom layer of the butterfly and then did the same for the top - did one side at a time:

Here is a photo of the Triple Thick bottle:

And a photo of the jar of mixed glitter which I used a metal spoon to sprinkle it onto the butterflies:

Once both layers on one side of the butterflies was glittered I then did this same thing to the other side of each butterfly so that the whole butterfly had the glue/glitter on it at one time and I set them aside to dry:

In this photo from the side you can see the glitter on the lower base piece of the wings:

I made all my butterflies in an assembly line so that they would all be drying at the same time. These are very easy to make and the Triple Thick cleans up with water so it was easy clean up. As she used in her video she had a piece of wax paper under her butterflies while she was making them and adding the glitter - I only had a roll of the parchment paper from the Dollar Tree in the craft room so I used that and it made for easy clean up of the glitter and also I put the butterflies on this paper to dry. The glitter does not show up as shiny and sparkly on the camera but IRL they really sparkle.... They will make nice embellishments or additions to treat holders, etc...

The "HappyBird'sGlitterNest" on YouTube has a lot of beautiful projects on her channel and her blog -- ornaments, angels, flowers, butterflies, etc.. Happy I finally made these butterflies and it did not take long to put them together. Esp like I was able to use more of my card stock scraps and items I already have on hand in the craft room. For some of the butterflies I did not have the correct colour crystals/gems to use for the centers of the butterflies so I pulled out a roll of the crystals that have a holographic finish and I used that on a few of the butterflies -- again using Beacon 3 in 1 to add the crystals/gems to the centers of the butterflies:

I had bought this roll a long time ago at HobLob and it certainly adds sparkle and shine to the center of the butterflies:

The EK Success Butterfly punch makes a sizeable butterfly - approx 2" wide by 1 3/4" high so the glitter really brings the sparkle to them. Happy I saw her how-to video and happier I finally made these butterflies for my upcoming Easter projects! Very easy project and you can use any punch or craft die for your butterflies that you have in your stash. A big thanks to her for sharing her how-to's for this pretty butterfly!

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