Thursday, December 26, 2019

Sob City . . .

This post is about a gift my DSD made her dad for Christmas.... He is hard to buy for and never asks for anything so it is hard to really surprise him with something special but his daughter not only managed to give him a surprise gift but it made him cry . . .   The photos are not to show off the photos she used but to show the genius and talent of this gift. This gift involved his last dog he had for 15 years and it includes his new dog he got as a puppy about 2 years after his first dog passed . . .

Here it is - she made the black box and everything inside. There was a ribbon/bow wrapped around the box and DH had to untie it to open it. Here is the box closed with no ribbon:

This is a good sized box:

You lift off the lid and the first layer lays open:

With each photo there is a pull tab - you pull the tab and a second photo can be seen. She put the first dog and the pull tab revealed our current dog and vice versa as you continue to open the box:

and again:

and again:

inside this last layer is all "baby" photos of our current dog and inside that box is a key chain she made with the first dog's name on it and our current dog's name on the other side:

She makes beautiful key chains and this was no exception. The vinyl she used on this is holographic so it looks neat in the light. . .  She said she worked on this for weeks and kept sobbing while she was making it... so certainly a heartfelt gift for her dad!! Such talent and a genius idea!! Plus it made him cry so you know he loved it!!! Lucky him she shared her talents on this gift she made him! 

1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Your DSD is certainly talented. What a wonderful gift for her dad!