Had seen a video by Julie from the Paper Pixie on YouTube featuring some of her favorite storage tips. The one that I used was for her 6x6 card stock storage. She uses the Avery Elle Extra Large Clear Pockets to store her 6x6 card stock so off to Amazon I went and I bought a package of two of these extra large envelopes. Like she suggests in her video she cut the clear pockets down to a height/size she wanted to use. I have cut my clear pockets so they are 7 inches high and that is a good height for me.
I already had all my 6x6 card stock paper pads sorted and in baskets but even with them sorted and labeled I still was not using them as I should have. With her system it only made sense to re-sort and store my 6x6 pads her way. First I cut some of the clear pockets to the 7 inch height I wanted. Then I tore out all the papers from each pad, keeping the papers from the same pad in the same envelope. I did not need the front and back covers to the paper pads using this storage system and it saves a lot of space for me. I began with the pads I have for BOO Day, then onto Autumn, and, of course, Christmas.
Awhile ago I had decided to separate all holiday dies from my die collection so that they were all together for holiday projects but mainly so they were not using up storage space for my non-holiday dies. I keep all my BOO Day dies in plastic baskets on sale at Hobby Lobby, (I also have baskets for my Chirstmas dies), and I used the We R Memory Keepers Tab punch board for my tabbed dividers:
I have the baskets on a shelf and I store the new 6x6 paper pads in their new clear pockets altogether next to these baskets on the shelves. The nice thing using these clear pockets for storage I can also keep scraps of this card stock in the clear pocket with the rest of the matching card stock. Here is a photo to show these clear pockets with the 6x6 card stocks/scraps inside:
Made sure when my new My-Creative-Time order arrived this week that I used the 6x6 card stock papers for most of my projects - which was the Pumpkin Bag Toppers I had just posted on the blog. I also used a second die set from that order for my Coffin Treat Holders:
Emma, from MCT, has a video she made showing her assembling her Coffin Treat Box and her hints and tips for assembly. I did use clear sheet packaging to put behind the spider web cut out on the lid of this box as she did. I did use her tip to use Glossy Accents to adhere the clear sheet behind the spider web cut out on the lid to keep candies or paper shred from falling out of the box. Had never used Glossy Accents for that before and it did the trick and does not show much:

For all my Coffin Treat Box bottom pieces I used #110 weight black card stock from Mikes. I assembled my box using tear and tape which I use on all my 3D projects. I also wanted to use as many of the 6x6 card stocks I could for my boxes as well as other printed scraps. I made up one of the treat holders just to see how it came together from scrap card stocks I had in the stash. Once it was made I thought it would be an added addition to line the bottom of the treat box with a printed card stock. For some of my treat holders I had used double sided 6x6 card stocks so I used one side for the lid to the box and to line the inside of the box I would use the other side of the print. If the card stock was a one sided print I used a print that would match either the colours or the theme of the card stock used for the lid. Here are photos to show the lids and the lining on the insides:

Once all the boxes are finished I will use black shred inside with the candy treats. I will also decorate the front of the treat box and probably tie it with twine to hang a greeting on. For two of the Coffin treat boxes I had used scraps of card stock of a shiny card stock. When I folded the treat holder on the scored lines the white core of the shiny card stock showed:
To help hide the white core of the card stock I used a small dauber and black ink to sponge the ink on the edges of the printed card stock lid:
The black ink covered the white core and it was light enough to not be too noticeable. In the past I have used a black Sharpie marker to cover a white core on scored lines but I did not want a heavy line all the way around the lid so I used a dauber and ink instead. Here is a photo of all the treat holders assembled and closed, but not decorated or filled with treats yet:
This die set cut the heavier #110 weight card stock with no problems and it also cut the various printed card stocks with no problems as well. This box should be able to hold a few chocolate treats as well as the black paper shred I picked up at the Dollar Tree for Halloween. This die set has a spider as well and I did cut him out of black glittered card stock and he will be added when I decorate the front of these closer to BOO Day.
Thanks to Julie for her tip on storing the 6x6 card stocks - the extra clear pockets I will have left over I will use to store my cling background stamps. Also thanks to Emma from MCT for sharing the tip of using Glossy Accents to adhere the clear sheet piece behind the spider web cut out on the lid. OH! to cut out the printed card stock to line the bottom of the treat holder I just laid a piece of printed card stock over the center of the box bottom die and that cut out that shape. I used an Avery glue stick to put the printed piece on the inside of the bottom of the bottom as a liner. I just think that adds a little something to the inside of the box for the holiday. . Another fun treat holder for Halloween and another great use of the 6x6 card stocks in the stash!
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