Sunday, September 8, 2019

Amazon share

With me working on BOO Day projects as well as Fall/Thanksgiving and Christmas projects lots of "project piles" were showing up in the craft room.  These piles were getting out of hand and inspiration to finish was fading .... fast.....

My new arrival from Amazon arrived earlier this week and already piles are fading.....   I bought these plastic snap closure envelopes off Amazon in a set of 30 envelopes:

These envelopes are approx 9" x 13" and you can see through them so no labeling is required. Here are two of these envelopes in use for my ongoing BOO Day projects:

I have all the pieces for the BOO Day treat bags in one envelope and in the other are die cut pieces I will be turning into treat holders for BOO Day.  Here is a photo to show the detail of the envelope:

The snap closure keeps all the small pieces inside the envelope and you can get a lot of items in these envelopes. These envelopes would be perfect for crops and classes and anywhere else you would need to take your paper craft projects with you. In this envelope I have all the pieces to my treat holders except I have not yet cut the insert pieces to make these into a treat holder.  But when I have the time to do that I can put them in the envelope for assembly and filling later.

Another good thing about using these envelopes for projects in progress is nothing on the work table will get lost in the "project piles" or stuck somewhere they should not be.  Plus I keep these filled envelopes together in a basket and this keeps the work table cleared off - which seems to be an ongoing challenge for this crafter...   ;0)       Also sometimes my time is short in the craft room so with the envelopes and all the pieces/parts together I can work on one of the projects that is already started rather than start another one. 

Amazon sells a variety of these clear plastic snap closure envelopes in different quantities and sizes but I bought the larger quantity in this size because I plan to use these envelopes for projects and also for storing some other items in the craft room.  This is another good purchase off Amazon for the craft room - esp with helping getting things organized - which certainly is an on going project in itself for this crafter . . .

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