Wednesday, August 19, 2020

First one thing and then another . . .

HAPPY ME that in today's mail was my newest tool purchase -- the Stacker by the Scor-Pal company. This new tool is sold out at a lot of online stores but I was able to find mine from Rubber Stamp Tapestry - This product was released earlier this summer and when I found it for sale I was happy that there were two of them left in stock so I ordered one for me!  Here it is:

The Stacker is a great addition to my craft room and I know it will get quite the work out by me. The Stacker is assembled so it is already put together for use when it arrives. To save on shipping charges this holder arrives empty and it is suggested that you fill the canister with rice, sand, dried beans, or small pebbles for weight so when you are using it it will stay in place. Here is a photo of the top of the Stacker:

You peel off the two blue oval pieces and fill the canister with whatever you want to use for weight. I filled mine with uncooked rice. Once the two sides are filled you put the two blue oval pieces back on the Stacker and it will be all set. The center of this canister has a rectangle space which is for tools, pencils/pen, bone folder, awl or whatever you want to store with your tear and tape for use. 

Here is a photo of the front of the Stacker right out of the box:

I put three of my favorite sizes of Scor-tape and other tear and tapes on my Stacker for later use:

As you can see as you are using your roll of tape you can stick the end of it to the side of the Stacker for easy use for your projects. This Stacker has rubber feet on the bottom of it so it will not be moving all over the work room table while you are working. Here is a photo to show I have my Scotch adhesive resistant scissors in the canister for use with my tear and tape:

I will probably put one of my extra bone folders and an awl in there for use with the tear and tape. This canister can hold any tape rolls that have a 3" core which is tear and tape and also some of the Scotch foam tapes with the larger core. 

I  had read reviews about this new product before I bought mine and I am happy I ordered it on the weekend and it arrived today.  The only thing the box says is to not use liquid to fill it for weight but to use something like sand, rice, dried beans, or small pebbles. This holder is the perfect size for the craft room work table as it does not take up a lot of space. Plus with your tape rolls fitting over the center canister you will not be misplacing your tape under everything on your table while you are working on projects. 

Another good product from the Scor-Pal people and I am happy I was able to buy one for my craft room.  First the Scor-Pal scoreboard, then the smaller version the Scor-Buddy, then their Scor-Tapes, and now the Stacker.  With the holiday projects I am working on my tear and tape will get lots of use and now I can easily store the tapes and also find the tapes on the work table while working !  ;0) Another great product from the Scor-Pal people!

1 comment:

Brenda said...

I have not heard of this product, but it looks super cool. A great way to keep track of the tapes and tools that are needed to pull the backer off said tapes. Pretty cool! Hugs, Brenda