Saturday, October 19, 2024

Witch Hat Decor items

Asked DH to cut some of his extra wood pieces in the garage into a base piece and a large triangle for a top and this would be a wooden Witch Hat Decor piece.  I asked him to cut two of these for me. He pulled out the larger pieces of wood he had and I measured what I wanted and he cut them out - this photo shows the base piece he cut and the triangle piece for the hat and with those cut he screwed the pieces together:

The wood he used for the base pieces were already covered in a black paint from other project he had used it for but I did not care. When he cut the rectangles for the brim/bottom of the hat I told him I wanted these pieces more random and not even looking for the witch hat. He rounded off the edges and then I took the sander to all four pieces and then he attached the triangles to the base pieces. 

Using acrylic black craft paint I painted both hats and let them dry:

Once these were dry I took them back outside and sanded them so they would look old and used. I then lightly dry brushed acrylic white craft paint on the triangle and base pieces. That did not take long to dry. When dried I used the glittered spider web tulle from the Dollar Tree and I cut out two of the webs for one hat and then covered the front of the second hat with a full piece of the glittered spider web tulle. I put the web/tulle pieces onto the hats using ModPodge I had on hand and that had a matte finish:

The above photo shows the sanded and dried hat piece before the tulle was added to both:

I put the ModPodge on the hats were the tulle would be and put the tulle on. Then I covered these tulle pieces with a full coat of the ModPodge to seal them. My concern with the matte finish of the ModPodge was I did not know if it would cover up too much of the glitter of the spider web tulle and not be as shiny as I wanted but they are still very sparkly. Recently I went to the Customer Yard Sale at the Enchanted Cottage in Lewisville and happy I was able to pick up two large bags of various flowers for $1.00 per bag -- to decorate these hats I used those flowers.... 

To decorate the bottom of the hat where it meets the wooden base/brim I used layers of orange crepe paper that was layered with hot glue and when dried I used my fringe scissors on them and then crumbled the crepe paper up with my hands and using hot glue I attached this crepe paper fringe pieces to the hats - front and back. Here is a photo to show the front of one of the hats to show what this looks like:

and this photo shows the fringe wraps around to the back of the hat:

I looked through the bin of extra Halloween items - ribbons, trims, pumpkins, etc and pulled out two ribbons to make my bows for the hat fronts using the Bowdabra. One hat I decided I would use a lot of orange items and the second hat I decided I would decorate it with purples/pinks. Here is the front of the orange Witch Hat decorated:

First I had hot glued the crepe paper fringe on the front and back of the hat. Then I hot glued the orange bat bow to the front over to the left. I added some black and orange bead trim pieces from the Dollar Tree above the bow. Added an orange flower from the bag of flowers. Added a small pumpkin to the right front side of the hat with a couple of small flowers next to that. I had a bag of the Dollar Tree eye balls in the bin so I added one eye ball by my bow. I used an orange fuzzy pipe cleaner, that I wrapped around a pencil for the shape, to add to the right of the bow. Added one leaf behind the orange flower and a piece of black greenery also from the Dollar Tree. Here is a photo of the second hat:

This hat has the full front of the hat covered in the spider web tulle and again I used the Bowdabra to make my bow. Added a small pumpkin and two eyeballs to this hat base. Used flowers from the bag of flowers with leaf pieces and I had cut a piece of sparkle green mesh ribbon that I put behind all the flowers above the bow. Here a full photo of this hat front:

Fun decor items and even better made with scrap wood!  Holiday items from the stash plus was able to put the two bags of flowers to use so fun and cheap projects. Seasonal decor ready for Trick or Treat night! 

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