Saturday, July 11, 2020

Picture day - - say Hoot and SMILE!

Photo was taken through a closed window and screen and I zoomed the camera as far as it would go... Not a great photo but like in school -- it was Picture Day:

It was like he knew I was trying to take a pix cuz he looked all around and then turned to look in my direction and he stayed still.... This photo was taken earlier this week and he has been back again so he must like having his photo taken!!! ;0)


Brenda said...

That's a pretty good photo for having to zoom in so far! You can really see the owl well. He must really like that dead tree and his picture being taken. lol I'd love to see an owl like that in my yard, but can't see them in the foliage. Love this photo! Hugs, Brenda

Bonnie said...

WOW! We hear owls at our house a lot but have never caught sight of them. What a blessing to have seen him and got a picture! Thanks for sharing it!

Colleen said...

Great photo of your friendly owl.
Put up an owl nest as they are great o have around to get rodents, snakes, etc.
Down side; make sure you have your pets indoors in the evening; especially small pets, kittens, puppies and if you have chickens, make sure you have a covering on top of the fenced in chicken pen.