Sunday, January 28, 2024

Thrift Store Storage

 Many times when making cards or projects I use liquid glue while assembling things and I use the larger acrylic blocks to set on them for drying. I had a few of the larger acrylic blocks we all used before the MISTI and other stamping platforms were released. Over time, at used stamp sales, I have picked up the larger acrylic blocks used just for projects I would be working on. I try not to spend more than $2.00 or $3.00 on these larger blocks at these sales and the cheaper the better.... 

Having multiples of these larger blocks really come in handy when I am working on BOO Day projects and Thanksgiving projects and then Christmas projects all at once in summer and early Fall. I usually have one holiday on a counter top drying and another holiday on my other counter drying with maybe a Christmas or two projects drying on the craft table..... My PIC (stamping Partner In Crime) and I recently went to the stamp show in Tennessee and I bought my largest block from the Too Much Fun Productions booth for $8.00 - which is a good price for the size this block is. You can put a whole card under it while drying and it covers the whole thing.... but how to store these blocks that I only use when assembling cards and projects???? Stacking them did not work.... putting them all in bin did not work as I could not see all the sizes at one time.... 

Off to the thrift store..... Ended up finding this wooden holder in a misc section at the store -- it either was made to hold recipe cards or maybe all the remotes for the TV, VCR, DVD player or what -- but happy I found it as it holds all my larger blocks in one place and I can see at a glance what sizes I have and I can take out the ones I want easily:

This is the side of this holder and here is the front:

I keep this holder on the counter where I would assemble things for cards/projects so it is not taking up space on my work table. I have a smaller block in the front section of the holder for smaller items I may be gluing but the rest of the blocks are the larger sizes. Happy I was able to come across this holder and for $2.00 it fits my budget. Better yet it holds items I use now for assembly that were once used for larger stamps... plus this holder gives these needed larger items a "home" in the craft room..... yay..... 

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